Click to Chat ads on WhatsApp- A vital tool for your marketing arsenal

In the competitive business landscape, if there’s one thing that has led to the massive growth of internet businesses, it is digital advertising. The $600 billion industry holds an outsized control on customers—- who buys what and thus to the fortunes of these businesses. An interesting aspect of digital advertising is its dynamic and ever-evolving nature, from search ads to video and voice search with the latest being Click to Chat ads. Click to Chat ads, although at a nascent stage currently,

In simple terms, Click to Chat ads, in Feynman speak, are conversational ads addressing the limitations of traditional digital ads. Marketers find them more effective with precise targeting. Traditional digital ads lacked two-way conversations, leaving users unable to engage or resolve doubts. Click to Chat ads emerged to bridge this gap, offering real-time interaction. Landing pages, while effective for savvy users, fall short for technology newbies and certain product categories like jewelry, furniture, real estate, and financial services. These ads allow users to connect directly with the brand, seeking clarity or making instant transactions, providing a more engaging and informative experience compared to conventional digital advertising.