Rhonda Ortiz

Founder & CO

Eleanor Pena

Head of Design

Bessie Cooper

Vp People

Darlene Robertson

Product Manager

Frequently asked questions 📣

No, bip.com.pk is a web-based platform, and there is no need to download any additional software. You can access the messaging service directly through your web browser.

Yes, bip.com.pk is designed to be mobile-friendly. You can access the platform on your smartphone or tablet through your preferred web browser.

Bip.com.pk offers a basic messaging service for free. However, there may be premium features or plans with additional benefits available at a cost. Check our pricing section for more details.

Yes, bip.com.pk supports the sending of multimedia messages, including images, videos, and documents. Enhance your messaging experience by sharing various types of content with your contacts.

If you experience any issues, please check our troubleshooting guide on the website. If the problem persists, you can contact our support team for assistance.