The Evolution of Emojis: Expressing More with WhatsApp

In the vast landscape of digital communication, where words alone often fall short, emojis have emerged as the universal language of expression. WhatsApp, one of the world's most popular messaging platforms, has played a significant role in the evolution of emojis, transforming simple smiley faces into a rich tapestry of emotions, gestures, and symbols. In this blog, we'll explore the fascinating journey of emojis, their impact on communication, and how WhatsApp continues to shape the way we exp


The Japanese terms "e" for picture and "moji" for character are combined to create emojis, which first appeared in late 1990s. The original set of emojis was created by engineer Shigetaka Kurita for a Japanese mobile operator with the goal of making emotions more visually appealing. These original emojis were little, only 12 by 12 pixel graphics, but they set the stage for a later, widely used phenomena.

Emojis became a common feature of messaging apps and cellphones, which led to their widespread adoption in communication.